(Sudah lama aku tidak berbahasa di sini. Hari ini aku terasa ingin berbahasa.)
Hari itu, seperti hari-hari biasa, aku online. Kebetulan, pada skala waktu yang sama walaupun terpisah beratus-ratus batu, mak juga sedang online. Rezeki aku dapat ber-YM dengan mak harini. Kadang-kadang, aku voice call atau video call juga dengan mak. Tapi mikrofon mahupun kamera tidak pula ada padaku waktu itu.
Dalam perbualan singkat dengan mak, ada jugak aku mengadu juadah berbuka di sini biasa-biasa saja. Tidaklah sesedap dan selazat masakan yang mak hidangkan di rumah. Kalau aku pulang saja ke rumah, tentu mak akan bertanya padaku, masakan apa yang aku teringin nak makan. Selepas aku mengadu, mak pun berkata padaku,” aiman, aiman kena bersyukur. Ada orang lain tu, buka puasa dgn ubi kayu jek. Tak ada duit pun nak beli makanan mahupun duit untuk membeli bahan masakan.”
Betul juga kata mak. Alhamdulillah, sekurang-kurangnya, aku masih berpeluang untuk menikmati makanan yang cukup dan berbuka puasa secara sederhana.
Sebenarnya, ada juga aku memasang hasrat untuk menikmati ayam Kenny Rogers dan berbuka puasa di Secret Recipe bila pulang ke KL nanti. Tapi, tidak sanggup pula apabila mengenangkan ada insan-insan lain yang sesuap nasi pun tak dapat nak rasa. Hatta, aku noktahkan saja hasrat itu.
Di sana,
Ada bayi-bayi kecil yang mati kelaparan,
Belum sempat pun membuka mata melihat dunia,
Tidak sempat pun mengenal siapa ibunya.
Di sana,
Keringat bapa satu-satu mencecah bumi,
Berlari, berjalan, merangkak mencari rezeki,
Membuat apa saja agar keluarga terus bernadi.
Di sana,
Titis-titis airmata ibu jatuh ke pipi,
Menahan tangis tanpa bunyi,
Melihat anak menderita tanpa sesuap nasi.
Di sini,
Kita berbunuhan kerana harta dan nama,
Di sini,
Kita berperang kerana kuasa dan empayar,
Di sini,
Kita bersengketa kerana tanah dan pusaka.
Di sini,
Kita tidak pernah bersyukur dengan apa yang ada.
Pejam celik pejam celik, dah lebih setahun aku di bumi Kelantan ni. Banyak yang aku lalui dan tempuhi sejak pertama kali kakiku menjejak tanah ini.
Baru-baru ini, aku menerima arahan untuk berpindah ke tempat tinggal lain. Sudah menjadi lumrah, kalau dah meningkat senioriti, pasti aku disuruh untuk berpindah ke hotel atau pun banglo. Mula-mula dulu, aku dengar, tujuannya adalah supaya kami dilatih berenang. Seronok juga aku yang tak reti berenang ni. Tapi, rupa-rupanya,tujuannya kerana villa yang ada sekarang tidak dapat menampung jumlah pelajar yang semakin banyak.
Separuh dari teman-temanku telah berpindah ke Hotel Ridel di Kota Baru. Aku pula disuruh untuk berpindah ke sebuah banglo yang lokasinya di antara Kota Baru dan airport. Sayang pula aku mahu meninggalkan Villa Kuching ini. Banyak kenangan aku di sini. Tapi, biasalah, tiada apa pun yang akan kekal.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Aviation for Captaincy
It was THAT particular day that I officially declared myself as a future pilot. The 5th of January 2009 marked a history in my book of life, one that shall be remembered and well reserved in my psyche. Often people ask me about the sensation of being among the white milky clouds since the day they knew I was undergoing my training as a pilot. But seldom could I answer or give the exact elaboration of the emotions that the hormones release when being up there due to the fact that I haven’t started my flying yet. So I would just tell them the same story my seniors have been telling me, carrying on the sequence chain of stories or I would just simply say that I haven’t flown the craft yet not bothering to share the experience as it isn’t even my own.
Well that day changed it all. I have completed my first sortie and finally taste the air up there. Maybe I am a little bit exaggerating here. The air tastes the same but the feeling is remarkably different, I KID YOU NOT.
That morning around 11 am, I went outside the hangar (it's like a garage for aircrafts) and looked up. The sky was clear with a few milky puffs of cumulus here and there. Indeed, a definition of a great day for flying! Without hesitation, I went to Captain Fauzi, the pilot instructor in charge to conduct my first sortie today and greeted him..
“Assalamualaikum and morning sir. I’m cadet pilot Mohd Aiman Md Isa and today I’m scheduled to fly with you sir.” I said starting the conversation.
“At what time?” he replied.
“It’s supposed to be now sir. Whenever you’re ready.” I replied back.
“Whenever I’m ready? It’s whenever you are ready.” He laughed and continued,” Your first sortie? Are you ready? Scared?”
“Yes sir, my first sortie. I think I’m ready sir. I’m not that scared sir coz I’m flying with you sir.” I wasn’t trying to make a joke but that it was came out of my mouth.
“Hahahaha. We’ll see about that later. Wait for me at 9M-TAT (the pronunciation is niner mike tango alpha tango)”
“Yes sir!”
I can’t believe it!! My first flight!! I mean my first flight that I'm in control of the aircraft!! I don’t know what to feel at that moment. But I was really looking forward to fly.
I strived hastily towards the flight operation room to take my headset, took my checklist and went to the aircraft. In 5 minutes time, I was already there with him. Captain Fauzi taught me how to do a quick check since the engine was already hot and we went around the aircraft to do the external checks. Later on the aircraft, he asked me if I wanted do the radio calls and I said yes. So there I was, in a Piper Cheerokee Warrior 2 registered number 9M-TAT with my headset around my head, my hands on the control column ready for my first sortie.
Me: Kota Bharu Ground, this is APAC 16 (the call sign I was using)
ATC(Air Traffic Control): APAC 16, Go ahead
Me: APAC 16, Request start for Bachok, POB 2, Endurance 6 hours in 9M-TAT
ATC: APAC 16, Wind 130/50 knots, Temperature 32, QNH 1009, Runway 10, Cleared to start
Me: QNH 1009, Runway 10, Cleared to start, APAC 16
And then I started the aircraft, taxied it to the holding point to take-off. I was kind of nervous but I did a few rehearsals in front of the mirror at home so I wouldn’t say unnecessary words. Before the take-off, I did my departure brief to Captain Fauzi:
This will be a normal take-off.
The rotating speed is 65 knots.
I will climb out at 80 knots, thereafter 90 knots.
Any malfunctions while on the roll; I will abort the take-off.
If the engine fails after take-off, I will select attitude for 75 knots and carry out the EFATO drill.
Any questions sir?
CAPT FAUZI: No, Aiman. You have control.
Me: I have control
So I was ready at the holding point on the runway to do the take-off.
ATC: APAC 16, Cleared Bachok training area, 1000 feet, Right turn, Cleared for take-off.
Me: Cleared Bachok training area, 1000 feet, Right turn, Cleared for take-off!!!
I put full throttle power. The aircraft was accelerating like lightning. 65 knots!!! I pulled the control column gently. And there I was. Rising high towards the sky and leaving the ground. Woohooo! I did it. My first take-off. But honestly, I didn’t do the landing. The Captain did it.
That was my first flying experience!!
And that's that.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Pena ini menulis lagi (atau lebih tepat, keyboard ini ditekan lagi)
Dear readers of this once-in-a-blue-moon updated blog,
It has been a while since my last post; 3 months 23 days 8 hours 26 minutes 16 seconds to be exact. Ive been busy with uninteresting stuff that isn’t interesting enough to be written on this interesting blog. LOL!
Anyway, I hope life is treating everyone of you well and gently. Indeed, life has its ups and downs and sometimes it may be tougher than usual. But these tough times is what makes you better kan? Have you heard of the controversial saying people are at their strongest when being at their weakest state? The saying sounds like it doesn’t make any sense. But if you think again, it is kind of true because when you are at your weakest, you will do almost anything or everything to survive. And that is strong because you’re doing it when you’re weak, get it? ok2, da merepek2 da ni. Hehe.
Whatever happens pon, don’t worry, if Allah brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
"Allah tidak membebani sseorang melainkan sesuai dgn ksanggupannya."
I flipped through my album when I was at home last year.(bunyi mcm lame jek padahal bulan lepas jek. Hehe) And I found some of my childhood pictures that id like to share. These pictures cost a fortune to me…
There are three of us naughty members of the ISA-LAILY family. but we are the ones that lighten up the house with our ridiculous behavior. you can actually guess whose the devil among the three kan? hoho. this was at Sears year 1989 on the morning of eid. lepas solat raya and all, go to the mall for ice cream! hehe
i went on live televison once in the US. they interviewed me about Asian cultural activities and all. and i just said what went through my mind. basically is was what went through every 6 year old kid. haha
Us lagi. my sister manja dgn my brother. coz she doesnt get to manje2 with me. hehe. during winter, we'd go sledding down the snowy hill. and from the bottom to the top of the hill, my brother would pull my sister up. i wont. na naiik sendirila jalan. hehe
on eid. at our house or someone elses house. i forgotla. thats my dad. pening die jage kitorang. hehe. oh btw, my mom yg jahitkan our bj melayu-s. shed go to the university in the morning and sew our bj melayu-s at night so we'd have bj rys on ry..
my sister and i. sebenarnye, die manje jugak with me. seeeee.. hehe
my sister lagi..playing in front of our house..
the guys in the family! sejuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkkkk.....
my dad's queen and I...
me and my bro! pi mall pakai bj melayu siap songkok lg dekat US. hoho. segak penuh kemelayuan...hehe
Mr and Mrs Isa, the king and queen..at michigan airport..
my brother in front of the law library University of Michigan Ann Arbor
me around..
my sister at Purdue University
that's us..
and that's that.
ps" i hope i update lg soon.hehe
It has been a while since my last post; 3 months 23 days 8 hours 26 minutes 16 seconds to be exact. Ive been busy with uninteresting stuff that isn’t interesting enough to be written on this interesting blog. LOL!
Anyway, I hope life is treating everyone of you well and gently. Indeed, life has its ups and downs and sometimes it may be tougher than usual. But these tough times is what makes you better kan? Have you heard of the controversial saying people are at their strongest when being at their weakest state? The saying sounds like it doesn’t make any sense. But if you think again, it is kind of true because when you are at your weakest, you will do almost anything or everything to survive. And that is strong because you’re doing it when you’re weak, get it? ok2, da merepek2 da ni. Hehe.
Whatever happens pon, don’t worry, if Allah brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
"Allah tidak membebani sseorang melainkan sesuai dgn ksanggupannya."
I flipped through my album when I was at home last year.(bunyi mcm lame jek padahal bulan lepas jek. Hehe) And I found some of my childhood pictures that id like to share. These pictures cost a fortune to me…
There are three of us naughty members of the ISA-LAILY family. but we are the ones that lighten up the house with our ridiculous behavior. you can actually guess whose the devil among the three kan? hoho. this was at Sears year 1989 on the morning of eid. lepas solat raya and all, go to the mall for ice cream! hehe
i went on live televison once in the US. they interviewed me about Asian cultural activities and all. and i just said what went through my mind. basically is was what went through every 6 year old kid. haha
Us lagi. my sister manja dgn my brother. coz she doesnt get to manje2 with me. hehe. during winter, we'd go sledding down the snowy hill. and from the bottom to the top of the hill, my brother would pull my sister up. i wont. na naiik sendirila jalan. hehe
on eid. at our house or someone elses house. i forgotla. thats my dad. pening die jage kitorang. hehe. oh btw, my mom yg jahitkan our bj melayu-s. shed go to the university in the morning and sew our bj melayu-s at night so we'd have bj rys on ry..
my sister and i. sebenarnye, die manje jugak with me. seeeee.. hehe
my sister lagi..playing in front of our house..
the guys in the family! sejuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkkkk.....
my dad's queen and I...
me and my bro! pi mall pakai bj melayu siap songkok lg dekat US. hoho. segak penuh kemelayuan...hehe
Mr and Mrs Isa, the king and queen..at michigan airport..
my brother in front of the law library University of Michigan Ann Arbor
me around..
my sister at Purdue University
that's us..
and that's that.
ps" i hope i update lg soon.hehe
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The June, July, August, September entry..
Today, I officially received my very own Kelantan map by the authorities. I have to study the map before I start flying so that I won’t end up getting caught in the airspace of Narathiwat or Waeng. The map has my name on its upper right corner. It kind of gives me some motivation and makes me more impatient to fly.
Melihat map ini:
Tanah tinggi.
Jatuh Cinta.
Ciptaan Sang Pencipta.
"His entire Creation exists simply as testing and teaching for the soul." (11:7)
“He created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He shaped you and made good your shapes, and unto Him is the journeying.” (64: 3)
“ ta sabarnye na tgk betol2 dr atas~;)”
I hope I can get to know both worlds better, langit dan bumi. So I know The Creater better. And become a better servant. Insya-Allah…
Reaching to the end of the day, I also received my SPL (Student Pilot’s License) from the Department of Civil Aviation. More motivation and encouragement! This license permits me to fly the aircrafts at the airport hanger; eagle erb 150, piper warrior, piper seneca, diamond 40 and diamond 42.
Salam lebaran semua...
Semoga segalanya menjadi ibadah...
And that's that.
Melihat map ini:
Tanah tinggi.
Jatuh Cinta.
Ciptaan Sang Pencipta.
"His entire Creation exists simply as testing and teaching for the soul." (11:7)
“He created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He shaped you and made good your shapes, and unto Him is the journeying.” (64: 3)
“ ta sabarnye na tgk betol2 dr atas~;)”
I hope I can get to know both worlds better, langit dan bumi. So I know The Creater better. And become a better servant. Insya-Allah…
Reaching to the end of the day, I also received my SPL (Student Pilot’s License) from the Department of Civil Aviation. More motivation and encouragement! This license permits me to fly the aircrafts at the airport hanger; eagle erb 150, piper warrior, piper seneca, diamond 40 and diamond 42.
Salam lebaran semua...
Semoga segalanya menjadi ibadah...
And that's that.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Things i did bile da habis belajar ni.
I’ve completed my degree a couple of weeks ago; a long three and a half years of being a good committed hardworking student of the IIUM. Cheers! Well, when you finish your studies, common questions that will be beating your eardrums every now and then by anyone that knows you’re done with your studies are sekarang ko buat ape or plan lepas belajar ni ape or na sambung belajar lagi ke keje or ko na kahwin dengan Jessica Alba ke Marie Digby. Or sometimes people will straight give harsh conclusions about you in your face like kira ko mengganggur la sekarang ni or tanam jagung la ni or kira semua syarikat pon reject ko!
So an honest advice from me: Be prepared with well constructed answers. Or just stuff in your earphones and pretend you didn’t hear a thing. Hehe.
Since this is my blog, let’s talk about me. Hehe. I certainly do have plans. A lot. More that you can imagine. But for the time being, according to plan fyi, I just have to chill and laze and be a good son, which everyone around me knows that I am, duh. So being at home, I decided to not only finish the food in the fridge, I, with opened heart did some chores that maybe, I said maybe, will lead me to a happy life with either Jessica Alba or Marie Digby. If they happen to read la. Hehe. Now let the pictures do the talking…
from the top:
washing my dad's car..
washing my mom's car..
washing my car..
teadmilling lagi..
Ala rajinkan? anak sapa ni? Huahahaha...
And that's that.
So an honest advice from me: Be prepared with well constructed answers. Or just stuff in your earphones and pretend you didn’t hear a thing. Hehe.
Since this is my blog, let’s talk about me. Hehe. I certainly do have plans. A lot. More that you can imagine. But for the time being, according to plan fyi, I just have to chill and laze and be a good son, which everyone around me knows that I am, duh. So being at home, I decided to not only finish the food in the fridge, I, with opened heart did some chores that maybe, I said maybe, will lead me to a happy life with either Jessica Alba or Marie Digby. If they happen to read la. Hehe. Now let the pictures do the talking…
from the top:
washing my dad's car..
washing my mom's car..
washing my car..
teadmilling lagi..
Ala rajinkan? anak sapa ni? Huahahaha...
And that's that.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
what mohd aiman means
i was surfing and found an interesting page that can tell me what's the hidden meaning of MOHD AIMAN. and this is what my name means...(i find most of it correct though. because most of them mcm best jek.hahaha)
and that's that.
What Mohd Aiman Means |
You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated. You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want. You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way! You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you. At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row. You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace. People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. |
and that's that.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
An unusual usual day.
The day started like usual; Mr. Sun was already shinning high above the sky, the birds singing euphoniously imploring me to wake up, and me, still on my bed doing absolutely nothing yet by 930 am. But it was an unusual day indeed.
In the Garden of Knowledge and Virtue- UIA, it is compulsory to go to class with the official dress code- shirt, slacks, and shoes. But for us engineering students, we break each and every code and law that are enforced upon us. There I was- selipa jepun stailo, jeans, t-shirt and the hair that was long enough for the officers to summon me by the amount of rm50. Catch me if you can!
From up to bottom, my God…
I took my bike to the class, an old Honda C-70. People don’t use that kind of bike sangat nowadays. But a friend of mine told me that what’s important is that it can bring me from one place to another. Stailo or not, numero-2. And it’s murah!
I was desperately scrounging to find a place to park my bike, in probably the most crowded kuliyyah in UIA. Eh, not kuliyyah la but the parking lot is surely sure packed. Considering it was already 1135 am and the classes have already started, I knew the chances of me finding even a narrow strip of space to wrest my bike into, were pretty slim. But I tend to believe that with good intentions to go to class, though a little bit late, I’d find a place to squeeze my bike in.
Voila! I found…
…what only sharp sepet eyes could have spotted. Right between the indigeous Modenas Kriss and foreign Yamaha TZM, was this tiny strip just about enough to get the first half of the wheels in. Well, beggars can’t be choosers, and thus began my struggle to maneuver the bike into the perfect 90 degree to slip it right in.
Change of strategy from tactical to menial, push and shove, a mental note to work out and finally frustration. I was at my wits end.
Failure of getting my bike in between, I made up my mind to withdraw it robustly out of the tiny winy space. The next thing I realized was the bikes on the right side of mine crashing against each other like the game dominos. Cheers! Eh, Oops!
What have I done ni? Adoi…
Lucky me, the bike at the end point of the streak was denied smashing on the ground by a parked Proton Wira. Fuh! Selamat. (Dear owner of the black Proton Wira yg slalu park kat tempat moto, thank you! And Sorry too. But your car is ok je. Not even a scratch.)
Being a responsible person that I am, I went to susun blk all the bikes back to where it was before checking if there were any parts that have I broken. Suddenly came one of the owners of the bike. I was ready to admit and apologize but then again he came and helped me out. Then I gave him a camaraderie smile for helping. That was when I realized that this Garden of Knowledge and Virtue instilled good values in us- tolong menolong, kesabaran dan bersatu padu. Eh, minus breaking the rules part.
Then, after everything was settled and a conclusion made that all the bikes were fine, I went my way back to the mahallat. Gave me a self-holiday for my hard work of susuning back the bikes.
And later I knew that that class was cancelled. Nothing missed plus a lesson attained!
In the Garden of Knowledge and Virtue- UIA, it is compulsory to go to class with the official dress code- shirt, slacks, and shoes. But for us engineering students, we break each and every code and law that are enforced upon us. There I was- selipa jepun stailo, jeans, t-shirt and the hair that was long enough for the officers to summon me by the amount of rm50. Catch me if you can!
From up to bottom, my God…
I took my bike to the class, an old Honda C-70. People don’t use that kind of bike sangat nowadays. But a friend of mine told me that what’s important is that it can bring me from one place to another. Stailo or not, numero-2. And it’s murah!
I was desperately scrounging to find a place to park my bike, in probably the most crowded kuliyyah in UIA. Eh, not kuliyyah la but the parking lot is surely sure packed. Considering it was already 1135 am and the classes have already started, I knew the chances of me finding even a narrow strip of space to wrest my bike into, were pretty slim. But I tend to believe that with good intentions to go to class, though a little bit late, I’d find a place to squeeze my bike in.
Voila! I found…
…what only sharp sepet eyes could have spotted. Right between the indigeous Modenas Kriss and foreign Yamaha TZM, was this tiny strip just about enough to get the first half of the wheels in. Well, beggars can’t be choosers, and thus began my struggle to maneuver the bike into the perfect 90 degree to slip it right in.
Change of strategy from tactical to menial, push and shove, a mental note to work out and finally frustration. I was at my wits end.
Failure of getting my bike in between, I made up my mind to withdraw it robustly out of the tiny winy space. The next thing I realized was the bikes on the right side of mine crashing against each other like the game dominos. Cheers! Eh, Oops!
What have I done ni? Adoi…
Lucky me, the bike at the end point of the streak was denied smashing on the ground by a parked Proton Wira. Fuh! Selamat. (Dear owner of the black Proton Wira yg slalu park kat tempat moto, thank you! And Sorry too. But your car is ok je. Not even a scratch.)
Being a responsible person that I am, I went to susun blk all the bikes back to where it was before checking if there were any parts that have I broken. Suddenly came one of the owners of the bike. I was ready to admit and apologize but then again he came and helped me out. Then I gave him a camaraderie smile for helping. That was when I realized that this Garden of Knowledge and Virtue instilled good values in us- tolong menolong, kesabaran dan bersatu padu. Eh, minus breaking the rules part.
Then, after everything was settled and a conclusion made that all the bikes were fine, I went my way back to the mahallat. Gave me a self-holiday for my hard work of susuning back the bikes.
And later I knew that that class was cancelled. Nothing missed plus a lesson attained!
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