Tuesday, September 05, 2006

independance day laa sgt!!!

31 August→ A day that should be the pinnacle point of elation for every Malaysian as Malaysians, a day Malaysians should wave our national flag, Jalur Gemilang and march on the streets in the outskirts of their homes.

And what actually was I doing that day?

Thanks to my big fat trying-to-be-a-hero mouth which in a knee-jerk response asked the lecturer to postpone the micro-processing mid-term examination. Why did I even stick my head above the parapet?!

Worst, I also had my communication principles mid-term examination on Merdeka eve! Have a heart, man- Merdeka eve ni! And everyone else was at the stadium celebrating with fireworks blasting through the air every now and then…

I should have asked for the exam to be postponed after the break so we’d have more time to study. Ceh, as if it would make any difference to my marks.hehe…

But this is an exam I’m talking about here, wouldn’t want tp spoil the ship for a hap’orth of tar…

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