Wednesday, September 05, 2007

a newer entry than the new entry

baru tgk tarikh2 entry yg lalu:

july-1 entry
august-1 entry

takan na biarkan september pon 1 entry?

teruk gila performance penulisan dlm blog ni! mcmane ni? ape sudah jd? kalu blog ni bleh berckp, die mesti da ckp," malas gila tuan aku ni. tulis sket pon tamau. malang btol aku dpt die sbg tuan." lalu aku membls," kalo ko rajin sgt, ko tuliskanlah blog utk aku. byk ckpla ko ni en. blog!" hoho. it's not that i dont have anything to write about. it's just that what i wanted to write hasnt been wrote. leh ta? haha...

bukan. tangan ni la, malas menaip. harus dipotong br tau. haish....
gimana nih? help me!




nadira said...

u cant force urself to write kan? the mood will come bile tibe waktu. tul X?

ke X betul?


ryhn said...

owh.ouch. *gedebush* i feel you dude..i cant even remember the last time i posted a new entry.havent been able to be online is one thing, laptop-break-down is another, mood; is also another..

ramadhan mubarak btw..havent seen u good! :)

aiman said...

aurora: ta betol! sometimes, forcing is a good thing kan? if going to class isnt a must (forced to. if not gonna be barred), i wouldnt go!!!! hehe

ryhn: havent seen you too. you can run but you cant hide! haha. am being good. i think. hehe

Anonymous said...

It's creative in a way - you're writing about not being able to write. Ok what?

Oh yeah, I saw you on your bike on Tuesday. Aisya was honking at you over and over, and was just about to langgar you straight, but you boleh buat dek je?

Which reminds me: Aiman, you need a haircut.

aiman said...

1. i do not need a haircut because of these 2 reasons:

a) i dont want to cut my hair
b) read a

2. i knew you wouldnt dare to langgar me. and i just ignore people honking me. u think i cant honk u back ke? my bike has a honk too. hehe

3. ill do the tag think asap. but not now. asap! asap! haha

nadira said...
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nadira said...
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