Friday, June 22, 2007

He was too young to know that i was the world's no.1 superhero!

My cousin came to our home that night. he, his wife and their 3 1/2 year old child. it always has been an ongoing affair for him to come by every now and then.

i was reading the newspaper on the sofa when suddenly hasan nain (their child) came to my legs and started to shook them calling my name with his crisp voice," uncle nyah, uncle nyah." it was supposed to be 'uncle ngah' but he was pelat. i felt like mak nyah plak seketika. hehe... then i put the paper aside and brought him on my lap," achan na ape ni achan. beratla achan ni." he wasnt that heavy before. or it was me yg semakin lemah akibat malas bersukan. hehe. then he said," achan na main nyonyok-nyonyok." What? what the heck is that? i gazed at his mom searching for explanation. and she said," achan na main nyorok-nyorok." and he wanted me to nyorok first. where can a creature my size hide?!


so i told him to count to ten and he started counting," catu, dua, tiga, spuluh." what? that's not ten! that's four!!! hadoi. berterabor mengira! i told him to count again...

when he started counting, i ran out of the house and bursted myself into the car, the only place a fat creature like me can hide fyi. hehe. then a few minutes later, my little achan came out and called my name with the loudest yell he could muster ,"uncle nyah!!! uncle nyah!!!" i can see him from inside the car but he couldnt see me because it was dark.

and about ten minutes later, he suddenly cried because he thought that i was lost or kidnapped as i was no where to be seen. he was too young to know that i am the world's no.1 superhero.


so i went out of the car, dukung-ed him and took him for a walk in front of my house. it was kind of chilly but achan was alright, i guess. i carried him in my arms until he stopped crying and we just walked and walked and walked enjoying the night...


nadira said...

alah.. cutenye achan nk maen nyorok2 pastu nangis2.. he reminds me of my hero ampang! hehe..
and 'uncle nyah'? i think u really need the dumbells ;p

kma said...

nyah.. superhero mane sembunyi dlm kete.

aiman said...

dira jh: die nangis coz he soooo loves me la. hehe

kma: what... u expect me fly ke?

kma said...

depends. what's ur superpower?

aiman said...

i can eat while fasting! is that considered a superpower? or a sin? huahahaa

Anonymous said...

Dude. That's a charming story!

To prove i've got good content of character, I'm gonna write something nice, unlike some ppl who only know how to tease. *hint

It's endearing to know you're a good uncle. A fat uncle, maybe, but a good one. hahahha.

Mkn byk2 k. i like ppl to be fatter than me :P

Anonymous said...

Btw, i forgot to mention, obviously nonyok2 means nyorok2.

sheesh. aiman aiman. murni pun boleh paham. ape la aiman ni.. :P

aiman said...

murni: that comment isnt considered as something nice and is against the principle of having good content of character. might as well just be mean.. huahaha

nonyok2 kan also be doing lompat bintang what...

Anonymous said...'re a kid person!

You should post his picture. Someone else's kid for me to ogle at. Haha.

aiman said...
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aiman said...

lubna: dont have his picture la. but you can imagine him. he looks just like me. minus the jerawat and scars on my face. hehe. me when i was 3 1/2 year old. can imagine? comel kan? huahahaa