Tuesday, May 08, 2007



there was like a having-lunch-together session after the meeting...like any ordinary meeting of course...and the food was irresistable (sbb sy ingat na luch kat umah memule)...makanan melayu; nasi putih, crabs, ayam paprik, kangkung goreng belacan, and sambal udang...

but the lunch wasnt that great eventhough the food served was delicious...


coz this one guy was...hmmm...ntahpape!

"pakaila sudu ngan garpu!!!"

and he was using a spoon and a fork producing so much noise that i felt like eating at a contruction site...ta reti mkn pkai sudu dan wat bising is a bigger problem than me using my hands la...at least i'm not annoying...

and the noise was going cling-clang-cling-clang like the ice cream seller who goes around the neighbourhood on his bike, lgla obnoxious.

who is he to interdict me using my hands? it's not like it's illicit or something... plus, i was eating extra quixotic and i didnt make any noise or disturb others...

pastu tetbe the director of the cluster, masuk. and joined us.. suprisingly, the was using his hands too...yey!!!

"pi la tegur bos... die makan gune tgn..."


padan muka kau!!!


nadira said...

sape yg menggelabah sgt tu? neways, the ketamS untuk dimakan & org tu mesti kerugian besar X dpt makan dgn nikmatnye, kan? hehe..

aiman said...

tpkan nad, snanye sy ta mkn gne sudu dan garpu sbb ta reti...org kampungla katekan...so utk tidak memalukan diri, gune jek arr tgn..kan?hehe

nadira said...

tp mane ade org makan crabs pakai suduNgarfu.. tul X? ke ade? org putih pun mkn pakai tangan.. hehe..